In our crazy fast-paced society, it’s very easy to lose sight of our wonderful achievements (both micro and macro) when we are so focused on our list of “things to still accomplish.”  Paying tribute to our achievements is so very important, and considered a wonderful way to demonstrate self-love.  If you are looking to improve self-esteem and/or motivation, I would encourage you to be mindful of acknowledging your achievements on a daily basis. Here are some ways that you can celebrate your achievements:

1. Take a vacation….from YOUR LIFE

Take a vacation from technology, your cellphone, your work, your obligations… just take some time off. Do whatever it takes to get your mind at rest. Set a time frame that you’re going to kick back to enjoy yourself, and make it non-negotiable.

2. Write a letter of “thanks” to someone who helped you along the way

This is a great way to keep the emotional high buzzing along, even after the initial excitement has started to wear off. Send someone a genuine, hand-written letter (or a Facebook message, it’s all good) recounting the ways that they helped you along in your process. Give it a try. You, and the recipient, will be glad that you did.

3. Be selfish

Do something that is just for you. Something hedonistic. Something present-minded. Indulge in your instant gratification. Whether that means taking a new class (that adds nothing to your business life), planning a massive party, or going out and buying that beautiful bracelet you saw in the store window the other day.