No, You’re not CRAZY!

Do you fear asking the guy you’re dating how he feels about you? Do you fear asking the question “Where do you see this going?” Are you scared you’ll be perceived as crazy? Or a “psycho?” It has come to my attention that this is a common fear for many women.  So, I want to make it clear that you ARE NOT crazy for wanting to know who and what you are investing in.  It is totally normal and common to have some anticipatory anxiety about what someone’s reaction or answer might be when it comes to Like and Love.  However, choosing to repress and internalize extremely valid questions that concern your livelihood is going to have a negative impact on your mental well-being.

A good general rule of thumb when it comes to dating is that it takes a minimum of three months before a person starts to show “layers” to his personality.  In the first three months, you will pretty much be interacting with someone who is on his very best behavior.  Because of this, it’s usually around 2-3 months when you will either start to really like someone or be completely turned off.  With that said, should you ask “Where do you see this going?” after a month of dating? Probably not. Mainly because YOU still need more time to even figure out how you feel, and if you even want to invest in this partnership.  However, after three months it is very understandable and healthy for you to want to know where your relationship is heading.

In conclusion, DO ask the hard questions! This will show that you care about yourself AND you also care about the relationship.  If your gentleman looks at you like you have six heads and stays silent when you ask, then that’s probably a red flag. As much as it might hurt, it’s always better to know than not know.