5 Ways to Increase Happiness TODAY

For many, it’s the ultimate goal, right? To experience greater happiness or feel more positive in the day to day.  In my years as a psychologist, I have learned a great deal from my patients.  I would like to share with you five suggestions for what you can do TODAY to get on the train to happiness:

  1. Wake up and say “Today is going to be a good day.” When we believe something to be true, our brain will likely scan for evidence confirming our belief.  So, if we wake up and say “Ugh, today is going to suck” there is a very good chance that we will find reasons throughout the day which confirm out belief that the day will be a bad one.
  2. Make sleep your most important appointment of the day.  That’s right….block out an 8 hour “appointment” to get some much needed (and deserved) rest.  There is evidence that shows well rested people are happier people.
  3. Smile and say hello to three strangers today.  Sounds scary? It’s just one second of your life that you are coming outside your comfort zone to try out something new.  So, the next time you walk by a stranger, SMILE, and say “good afternoon, how are you today?”  You might be surprised how good it feels to do that. Even though it’s a small verbal action, it’s an action of GIVING which helps people feel happy with how they are existing in the world.
  4. Act with intentional kindness.  Some real life examples of this could be buying a loved one flowers, complimenting someone on their achievement, helping someone with a project, or reminding your loved ones that you love them.
  5. Make a plan to do one thing today that will make you happy. Maybe it’s treating yourself to a smoothie, reading a chapter in your latest book, shopping in your favorite store, or calling your best friend.  Making plans that demonstrate self-love and focus on positive action, are excellent ways to improve feelings of happiness.

I hope you found this helpful! Do you have a strategy for increasing happiness? If so, I’d love to hear it! Please email me at: stefaniseidenpsyd@gmail.com and let me know what works for you 🙂